The links and buttons at the top of these pages will take you to the various sections in this website. You can download copies of some of our many useful information files from the various sections, which includes such publications as the Abbreviations List, the NDB List Country List, and the NDB Publications List, which will help you to get started if you are new to the hobby.
© ndblist 1998 - 2025


On this page you will find information about the current CLE, and copies of the 'Early Advice/Final Details'. Full details about upcoming CLEs can be found below, along with the results of the latest one in .pdf format. It's also well worth making a visit to the REU (Received in Europe) - RNA (Received in Americas) & RWW (Received Worldwide) Online Databases, where you can find out more details about this very impressive system, and see how it all works, and how you can use it during your CLE. The links above will take you to the various sections of the database, and you can also find a very useful list of beacons operating in this month's CLE frequency range by clicking on the 'CLE SEEKLIST' button at the Rxx site:

CLE311 is now over:

CLE311 is now over and the results can be downloaded from the links below. The frequency range covered this time was 90 - 1740 kHz (normal NDBs, not DGPS, NAVTEX or amateur), and was be one of our special ‘Pyramid’ CLEs, which ran throughout the holiday period. More detailed information about this event can be found below: Just before the start of most CLEs, a detailed seeklist for the NDBs for your part of the World in that frequency range can be seen at: Early Advice & Final Details: CLE 311 EARLY ADVICE CLE 311 FINAL DETAILS STEVE VE7SL'S CLE BLOG CLE Results: CLE311 EUROPEAN RESULTS CLE311 REST OF THE WORLD RESULTS CLE311 COORDINATORS COMMENTS The CLE results are usually posted in the .pdf format and can be found in the section below, these are usually uploaded several days after the CLE has finished and the results have been ‘harvested’ and collated by our Coordinators. These are shown as separate files for 'Europe' and the 'Rest of the World', whilst others (where indicated), will be combined together into one file. You don't have to be a list member to take part in these events, and we welcome entries from any non-members who would also like to participate. You can send your logs into us by using the address shown in the ‘Final Details’ files - Brian Keyte, G3SIA (CLE co-ordinator) If you’d like to know more about how our CLEs work then you can download the latest version of the ‘How and Why of CLEs’ and ‘CLE Explanation’ files from the links below, and also a copy of the ‘NDB Country List’, which shows the country codes that we use for the CLEs and Awards etc., and an article about the history of CLEs, and how they started. The CLEs are run by our CLE Coordinators, Brian Keyte and Joachim Rabe, and you can find out more about our CLEs by reading some of the articles below. HOW AND WHY OF CLEs NDB COUNTRY CODE LIST CLE ORIGINS CLE EXPLANATION You can e-mail the CLE Coordinators at: ndbcle at (NOTE# - the address is shown this way to deter spambots, so you'll need to replace the 'at' with an @ symbol if you use this). Alternatively, you can click on the envelope icon, which should automatically open up a message page in your mail program.

CLE Results Archive

In this section you will find the results of all the previous CLEs (Coordinated Listening Events) which have been held by the group. There is also a brief explanation of what CLEs are and how they work, and also a copy of our 'CLE History' file, which shows a list of all the events which have so far taken place. The data for each of the latest CLEs will be added as and when it is available, and the older ones will be archived into compressed zipped file which can be download from the links below. Now that you know what a 'CLE' is, why not download and check out some of the results from our previous listening events, all of the files are in .pdf format, and most are less than 180kb in size. Results from the previous CLEs Our CLEs go right back to our first one which took place way back in 2001, and to make it easier for users to download these results they are now, available below in zipped blocks of 50 events, if you are looking for a specific one check out the ‘CLE Archive Index’ file for a list of dates and event numbers: CLE 001 - CLE 049 CLE 050 - CLE 099 CLE 100 - CLE 149 CLE 150 - CLE 199 CLE 200 - CLE 249 CLE 250 - CLE 299 CLE 300 - CLE 349 CLE Archive Index Note: - visitors who only speak a little english should consider using the 'Google Chrome' or ‘Microsoft Edge’ browsers as these will offer automatic translation into their own languages.

The CLE Information and Archive Section
The links and buttons on this page will take you to the various sections in this website, and new members of any of our groups can download copies of some of our many useful information files from the various sections, which includes such publications as the Abbreviations List, the NDB List Country List, the NDB Publications List and the CLE Guide.
© ndblist 2024


On this page you will find information about the current CLE, and copies of the 'Early Advice/Final Details'. Full details about upcoming CLEs can be found below, along with the results of the latest one in .pdf format. It's also well worth making a visit to the REU (Received in Europe) - RNA (Received in Americas) & RWW (Received Worldwide) Online Databases, where you can find out more details about this very impressive system, and see how it all works, and how you can use it during your CLE. The links above will take you to the various sections of the database, and you can also find a very useful list of beacons operating in this month's CLE frequency range by clicking on the 'CLE SEEKLIST' button at the Rxx site:

CLE311 is now over:

CLE311 is now over and the results can be downloaded from the links below. The frequency range covered this time was 90 - 1740 kHz (normal NDBs, not DGPS, NAVTEX or amateur), and was be one of our special ‘Pyramid’ CLEs, which ran throughout the holiday period. More detailed information about this event can be found below: Just before the start of most CLEs, a detailed seeklist for the NDBs for your part of the World in that frequency range can be seen at: Early Advice & Final Details: CLE 311 EARLY ADVICE CLE 311 FINAL DETAILS STEVE VE7SL'S CLE BLOG CLE Results: CLE311 EUROPEAN RESULTS CLE311 REST OF THE WORLD RESULTS CLE311 COORDINATORS COMMENTS The CLE results are usually posted in the .pdf format and can be found in the section below, these are usually uploaded several days after the CLE has finished and the results have been ‘harvested’ and collated by our Coordinators. These are shown as separate files for 'Europe' and the 'Rest of the World', whilst others (where indicated), will be combined together into one file. You don't have to be a list member to take part in these events, and we welcome entries from any non-members who would also like to participate. You can send your logs into us by using the address shown in the ‘Final Details’ files - Brian Keyte, G3SIA (CLE co- ordinator) If you’d like to know more about how our CLEs work then you can download the latest version of the ‘How and Why of CLEs’ and ‘CLE Explanation’ files from the links below, and also a copy of the ‘NDB Country List’, which shows the country codes that we use for the CLEs and Awards etc., and an article about the history of CLEs, and how they started. The CLEs are run by our CLE Coordinators, Brian Keyte and Joachim Rabe, and you can find out more about our CLEs by reading some of the articles below. HOW AND WHY OF CLEs NDB COUNTRY CODE LIST CLE ORIGINS CLE EXPLANATION You can e-mail the CLE Coordinators at: ndbcle at (NOTE# - the address is shown this way to deter spambots, so you'll need to replace the 'at' with an @ symbol if you use this). Alternatively, you can click on the envelope icon, which should automatically open up a message page in your mail program.

CLE Results Archive

In this section you will find the results of all the previous CLEs (Coordinated Listening Events) which have been held by the group. There is also a brief explanation of what CLEs are and how they work, and also a copy of our 'CLE History' file, which shows a list of all the events which have so far taken place. The data for each of the latest CLEs will be added as and when it is available, and the older ones will be archived into compressed zipped file which can be download from the links below. Now that you know what a 'CLE' is, why not download and check out some of the results from our previous listening events, all of the files are in .pdf format, and most are less than 180kb in size. Results from the previous CLEs Our CLEs go right back to our first one which took place way back in 2001, and to make it easier for users to download these results they are now, available below in zipped blocks of 50 events, if you are looking for a specific one check out the ‘CLE Archive Index’ file for a list of dates and event numbers: CLE 001 - CLE 049 CLE 050 - CLE 099 CLE 100 - CLE 149 CLE 150 - CLE 199 CLE 200 - CLE 249 CLE 250 - CLE 299 CLE 300 - CLE 349 CLE Archive Index Note: - visitors who only speak a little english should consider using the 'Google Chrome' or ‘Microsoft Edge’ browsers as these will offer automatic translation into their own languages.

The CLE Information and Archive Section